What services
we can
support you with?
HR maturity assessment and development plan
Interim management, change management
Organization design-development-transformation management
Recruitment strategy and optimization of its channels
Employee and middle management training strategy development
HR support of process outsourcing
Supporting HR Outsourcing
versatile HR support for your competitive advantage
Executive management consulting
Does the current organizational structure support business goals? Are the company's HR processes inhibiting its dynamic growth rather than supporting it?fOrgXpert International Kft. can help.
An HR strategy that is focused on the business goals of the company is the basis of its development. Securing the necessary competencies, retaining and developing staff, creating competitive benefit packages and selecting middle management in accordance with the defined scope of values. These are factors that need to be examined in context and without which dynamic organizational development cannot be maintained long-term.
Our company, fOrgXpert International Kft. in collaboration with your management team will review the organizational structure, the HR function, the internal communication channels and propose optimization and development of cost-effective HR strategies. If required, we support you through the change management process as well. The organizational changes we propose will include developing a well-structured decision making model, establishing appropriate internal communication and a model for change management implementation.
Internal communication consulting
Do your colleagues understand the goals and strategy of the company? Are the messages formulated for your staff achieving their goals?fOrgXpert International Kft., Can help.
Appropriate internal communication to employees is as important and indispensable in the life of an organization as external communication directed to the market. Effectively communicating within the organizational will help the company's management increase employee engagement, ensure the appropriate flow of information and improve knowledge sharing within the company
Our company, fOrgXpert International Ltd. can propose an internal communications strategy, the selection of appropriate internal communication channels and offer management, organization of employee events and development of loyalty-building / enhancing programs.
Recruitment strategy and channels
Do you find it difficult to backfill the necessary positions from the market?fOrgXpert International Kft. can help.
The expansion of production companies and service centers in Hungary, and the development of small and medium sized domestic companies have resulted in strong labour market demand in Hungary. This could also lead to increasing competition, and companies have to face this competitive situation at a time when social media has burst into the recruitment toolbar next to the traditional recruitment tools. It is no longer sufficient to define a position and advertise it with the list of tasks to be performed and the expertise and experience employers are looking for. The role as well as the employer’s brand should be attractive. Awareness of the labour market trends and target group’s expectations are a must, income structures have to be adjusted to the required competences. Awareness of the most effective channel to reach potential future employees is essential.
Our Company, fOrgXpert International Kft. shapes your recruitment processes and channels that takes into account the needs of your industry and market trends. We can effectively deal with the specific requirements of our customers through non-traditional recruitment tools.
Employee and management development
Is your organizational performance meeting your goals? Is the growth of the organization faster than the internal development of management?fOrgXpert International Kft. can help.
To keep up with the challenges of the market and competitors every organization requires the development and training of staff. Our company, fOrgXpert International Kft. helps you create a training system that targets enhancing managerial competencies for the underperforming staff necessary for your business to succeed.
Support of HR process outsourcing
Are you unsure whether to outsource an HR process to an external provider or develop specific capabilities and keep the activities in-house? fOrgXpert International Kft., Can help.
The "make or buy" question is the eternal dilemma of businesses. Our company, fOrgXpert International Kft. can help you with the analysis, business case preparation and selection of a suitable external service provider.
Employer branding
Is your brand known in the market yet your company as an employer doesn’t have the same reputation? It is hard to find suitable colleagues? fOrgXpert International Kft., can help.
The brand is not simply a trademark of the company's services. It is much more than that. It is also positioning the employer in the market. Having the perfect portfolio is useless if the company is not well known and respected as an employer. For the company's steady growth a strong employer brand is necessary to find the right professionals.
Employer branding is a specialty area where the use of classic marketing communication tools is insufficient. Building loyalty, motivation systems, compensation structures and listening to the opinions of colleagues are all factors that are required to create a positive employer brand image. Our company, fOrgXpert International Kft. will help you to become a market leader not only in your business line, but as an employer as well.
Cost effective compensation structures
Is there a more cost-effective and competitive C & B structure than is currently used in the company?fOrgXpert International Kft., Can help.
The design of the income structure within the company is a fundamental condition for a transparent operation. The income structure is not simply the wage cost ... it is a much more complex model. Fringe benefits, retention programs, rewarding outstanding individual performance, are all important aspects to be taken into consideration when the company compensation and benefit system is formed. When designing the compensation system trends in the labour market also should be taken into account in order to preserve the competitiveness of the company. Our company, fOrgXpert International Kft. can develop a matrix system, taking into account all the conditions and variables. The compensation model provides clear guidance to colleagues by accurately defining what criteria is needed to advance their careers.
Developing retention and loyalty programs
Is your attrition is increasing? Are you having trouble keeping your key people?fOrgXpert International Kft., Can help.
It is not sufficient just to hire quality talent, you must also retain these colleagues to support the business and your clients. Business success cannot exist without dedicated employees. In addition, the long-term retention of qualified staff provides ongoing cost benefits for an employer. It requires an appropriate corporate culture, providing development opportunities, motivation and incentive schemes, benefit packages and alike.
Our company, fOrgXpert International Kft., will develop retention and loyalty programs that are appropriate for the size of the company, the mix of the employees and the available resources while contributing to promoting the strategic objectives and building a strong employer brand.